Sunday, March 2, 2008

Do I Know You?

Job searching is hard, it's something i am trying to tackle right now for a summer job. Luckily, I already have some contacts which make connecting easier, but for others corporate networking websites are the perfect jumping off point. Not only do they allow people to get their information out to the public, but they also help people see who is connected to whom. Perhaps you need a contact for a huge ballroom for a banquet, but the only people you can find are only willing to charge more than you hoped. However, using sites like Visable Path lets you see that your co-workers friend works for a company that can get you a super sweet discount! I can even use something like this in my sorority when we're looking for venues to have our Formal and Crush parties.

There have always been and other online resume posting sites. Now, even these are becoming more high tech. A site called Visable Path lets you look at your company's orgainization and networks. Another site, LinkedIn allows users to post their resumes (for a fee) and lets company's conduct different searches. A really neat thing they do as well is let companies search resumes even if the people are not activily searching for a new job. This allows people the option to change jobs if a better fit comes along.

I definalty think these sites are worth checking out (Visable Path)and are something that will hopefully come in handy in my future!


Jessica said...

I agree that some of these job searching networks are of great value, especially when trying to get your name out there. The amount of responses, however, can be overwhelming sometimes. When I first put my resume on monster, I got about 20 phone calls within 3 business days about jobs completely unrelated to my interests. ego boost or annoyance - you dedice...

Brian said...

I agree with jess and you for the matter that these networks are great value. on my comment board you talked about how you kept in touch with your job down in atlanta by having a meal with them and I think it is great you are using your connections to stay in touch. hope it works out for you.

Evan said...

Visible Path is very interesting, but since its based on e-mail, I wonder how useful it would be for students. I would imagine that most of us don't use e-mail to talk to friends, we use AIM and Facebook. I only use e-mail for school, job-related stuff, and random newsletters

Abdul said...

Anyone without a great lists of corporate connections would find these website handy. But I really don't think they can substitute the real-life face-to-face connections, the can only supplement them.