Monday, March 17, 2008

....Not Another Group Project!!

Virtual teamwork facilitates conversations and interactions between employees without the need for physcial proxiemity. For someone like my dad who tracels to three or four locations a week to meet with customers this might not be the best idea because a personel interaction is still needed to make and maintain solid customer realations. But for college students like me, this virtaul teamwork would help tremendously. As soon as the words group and project roll off a teachers tounge a collective groan escapes from the class. "Oh no! Not another group project!". It's not that we don't like to do them, it's that they are so hard to coordinate. Everyone has to be in the same place at the same time. This becomes espcially hard when you don't live on campus or you work. Virtual Teamwork could help us by elimnating the physical componant.

For businesses as well as students, there still needs to be enforced guildlines for those who want to use virtual teamwork such as being on time to the "meeting". Just because everyone isn't in the same location doesn't mean that you can sneak in late! Antoher worry would be group dynamics. Does anyone know each other before going in to the project? For a student project meeting in person once would be a good start and then progrossing towards virtual meetings would create a better working envirnoment. I'd really like to be able to try to do a project virtually and to see if it is, in fact, easier


Jessica said...

Group projects can be a hassle. Taking four or five people and trying to find a time when EVERYONE is available to meet is always a challenge. I remember during the summer, the entire Chi O exec board met in a chatroom to have our monthly catch-up session. It was a little hard to give everyone their spotlight/time to shine, but it totally worked. VIRTUAL MEETINGS!

Abdul said...

Yeah .. I can relate to what you're saying. Whever we have a group of 4 and sometimes 5 we never have all the members present in a meeting. Sad, but true. I think virtual meetings can make more options available with regard to meeting time, especially if all the members were in the same geographical area with no big time differences.

Brian said...

Virtual meetings can work but for group projects we should be able to find some time i think in general people are just lazy in school. when you get a job and money is involved the meetings will be a little more structured