Back in 7th and 8th grade I was obsessed with the computer game The Sims. Even before everyone else caught on to the craze I was the first one in school to kill off my first sim family and to master the "sim ese" gibberish language. I bought every single expansion pack, addition and anxiously awaited The Sims 2 which gave sims genetics to pass on to future generations! I was obsessed. The only expasion pack that never really caught my interest was The Sims Online. The thought of interacting with greasy old men and hype active eight year olds in the game did not appeal to me in the least. I read all the new press relaeases and even heard about Second Life through these research sessions I would have.
I remember many people questioning how Second Life and similar virtual realities would suceed. I didn't think people would actually be willing to spend real money to buy virtual land and cars. Who would do that? Well apparently many people would...and do. After reading more about Second Life i've come to realize it is much more than a virtual reality for people to meet and talk. The business implications of networking alone are amazing! I still don't know everything about Second Life, but i'm really excited about it! It seems like the grown up version of The Sims. Instead of 'winning' the game (whcih, by the way, is impossible in The Sims), you can "win" at real life by making business deals, connections and even before a virtual Millionaire!
I LOVED the Sims. Especially the language they would speak. You know they have all sorts of crazy Sims versions now? Sims Castaway, Pets, Nightlife, University and Bon Voyage. So cool.
I wonder if I would be as into Sims today as I was years ago...
Who didn't play sims. the first one was cool when you built the city.
I feel all the different sims must get a little over kill.
Is there a way to convert Linden dollars back to real dollars? If there is, that would make Second Life business oppurtunities far more attractive!
I agree with you. I think it's more of a recreation and entertainment rather than real interest that involves money and virtual purchasing with actual money.
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