Monday, April 7, 2008

What do YOU think?

It seems like everyone on the internet has an opinion one way or the other. And they will not hesitate to tell you every intimate detail of what they think, why they think it and what you should do about it. This is a politican's dream, at least in terms of reading their public. The internet has became a huge forum and tool for the new candidates to gauge their audince and better yet, reach out to them. They are able to show they care about the younger, computer savy, generation and want to interact with them. In fact, the debates were broadcasted on this year! I think that the internet has definatly helped the candidates reach the younger generation. Even if i missed the debates, i can go see watch them online whenever I want like a debate Obama and Clinton had in Ohio about healthcare.

These types of videos help the candidates reach more people and expand their influence and opinions to those who normally wouldn't know or understand them. The internet also allows anyone to post their own thoughts and opinions on how politicians are preforming their jobs and what and how they should go about changing their ways. This is good, as long as the person realizes not to take every morsel of advice literally.

The internet also enales funny videos like this is appear about our beloved candidates.

1 comment:

Brian said...

That is a great point. People don't like missing there favorite show for a debate now they get the chance to watch it when they want.I like that idea. The video was amusing that would be a weird looking baby. The Omen Part V